Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Spot - Children Sport and Disabilities

Hello everyone!

We want to share with you this beautiful spot of the Paralimpic Foundation of Canada.

For a “grown-up” communicate a message - especially when dealing with difficult issues - is not always so spontaneous as it seems. For children instead is very spontaneous and simple! We have a lot of things to learn from them:
this is our goal,Temerarii.

Spot - Children Sport and Disabilities:

This is sport.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

First activities of November

Hello! It’s been a long time since we don’t write. We are now in the second term of the project and new people have arrived to work in Temerarii. Today, we started the term visiting the centre Creative where some old people live, quite challenging. Some days ago, we prepared some simple activities that were focused in know each other better, especially our names. At the beginning, we thought that they were going to be shy because we were new in this center, but we were wrong. They participated actively in all the activities we proposed and we had fun together!

Among the activities, we carried out some funny games that were easy for them to do. As you can see in the picture, they started writing their names in some papers; they took the label with the name and, with a ball, they threw it to another person telling his or her name. Later, we took out the papers to see if all of us remembered the name of the players without read it.

Some minutes before finish in Creative, we rehearsed some Christmas songs in Romanian and English. It was quite difficult to sing in Romanian because we still don’t understand the language and it was the first time that we listened these songs but it was really interesting and soon we were doing the best of us.

Despite the difference of culture, language and age, we had a really good time with them. With time, or relationship will improve together with our understanding.