Tuesday, January 24, 2017

How much is accessible Arad for people with disabilities?

In Arad the common way of travelling is tram. There are many trams that connect different places of this city.
Is nice travel with tram: you are surrounded by local people and you have a lot of time for see them... When your tram is travelling slowly trough the city you can notice different people: children, young people... Old people. Someone travel alone, someone with friends or someone spend his time reading.

But... People with disabilities? How they can move alone around the city? 
This week some of us tried to toke a look around for understand how much Arad is accessible... and.. we took some pictures:

The first impression is that is totally impossible for them get into the trams... Most of them are very very old, and when you want enter into you have to taking the stairs.

And when you are inside?
Some of this old trams have some empty space 

But most of them have a very little empty space inside:

 This is the actually situation in Arad: many places connected by trams, a lot of people that can use them... but not all of population is included: why?

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

La multi ani!

After one month, we come back with more news about our project. We had some time for relaxing but now it’s the last period, a period where we have a lot of ideas to apply, new activities (for example, a theatre or a flash-move!) and new centres. So, be patient and you’ll discovery more about Temerarii and its people in the next few months.

To start January, we decided to do some funny games in Creative and Tabacovici. We realized that they love the game Memory, you know, this card game where you need to find two cards with the same picture. So, we played with them during almost one hour because they didn’t want to stop and we discovered that women in Creative always win this game.

But also we had some other games. As we were not too many people, we decided to use some nice puzzles where they could think about the best way to do it.  Always without forget to express ourselves through drawings. In two hours, we had some nice portraits of each other, some Christmas decoration, and animals. 

And, as a reward of all this games, they had lunch to recover energy!